Hair Removal Guide

Welcome to the wild word of Hair Removal.
This site was designed as a tool for anyone looking to learn more about the different types of hair removal, and how to perform them.


Depilatory Chemical Burn

Chemical burn is a risk when using depilatory cream, specifically if you you have sensitive skin or leave the cream on your skin longer than intended. Depilatory creams can also occasionally burn even with no detectable cause! Be aware of the risk.
If your skin is sensitive and you burn frequently using depilatory creams, you should probably leave it on only a short amount of time, or discontinue use completely.
Needless to say, if your skin starts to burn and itch while the cream is applied you must wash it off immediately, or a burn will be probable.

Avoid chemical burns by doing a patch test as directed on the label, and making sure to wash your skin immediately if you feel a burning and itching sensation.
Also if you use depilatory creams very frequently you will be at higher risk for chemical burns, as the protective top layer of skin is removed along with the hair.

Treat a chemical burn like any other burn. That is, apply a cool compress, apply some aloe or bacitracin ointment such as Neosporin, and keep the area clean. Unless you are burned severely it should clear up in a couple days.
If it doesn't clear up in a couple days or if you are burned in a sensitive area like your genitalia, please visit a doctor!!

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